T02 – Individual tango technique

Individual tango – a page with links to individual tango technique videos


001 balance – 3 directions – lapiz
2 002 lapiz from back
3 003 pivoting
4 004 high lapiz
5 005 pivoting in the cross IMG0910
6 006 pivoting from lapiz IMG0913
7 007 pivoting from high lapiz IMG0925
8 008 small lapiz and big lapiz IMG0919
9 010 small lapiz and pivoting IMG0921
10 011 reverse small lapiz and pivoting IMG0922
11 012 planeo side IMG0926
12 013 transfer of weight IMG0927
13 014 changing weight on the spot – crosses IMG0929
14 016 high boleo IMG0931
15 017 static high boleo IMG0932
16 018 high boleo 1 IMG0933
17 019 pivoting in preparation positions IMG0934
18 020 tango walk and street walk IMG0940
19 021 normal and small steps IMG0936
20 022 large steps IMG0937
21 023 complete transfer of weight IMG0938
22 024 using the floor being grounded IMG0939
23 025 tango moving cycle prepare transfer arrive prepare IMG0950
24 026 transfer of weight sudden and complete IMG0943
25 027 brushing ankles IMG0944
26 029 brushing knees IMG0945
27 030 using the floor versus using gravity IMG0946
28 031 street walk versus tango walk in context IMG0947
29 032 keep the turnout IMG0948
30 033 arrival position IMG0949
31 034 crosses IMG0965
32 035 static and dynamic energy IMG0951
33 036 static pivoting at the wall IMG0952
34 037 static forward ocho at the wall IMG0953
35 038 planeo IMG0954
36 039 static planeo at the wall IMG0955
37 040 dynamic pivoting forward IMG0956
38 041 dynamic pivoting IMG0957
39 042 dynamic pivoting with planeo IMG0958
40 043 dynamic pivoting with cross enrosque IMG0959
41 044 the rebound IMG0960
42 045 rebound with crosses IMG0961
43 046 rebound with crosses 1 IMG0962
44 047 rebound with a cross – the lead IMG0964
45 047 side step to the wrong side – crosses IMG0963
46 048 change of direction IMG0967
47 049 changing directions in tango IMG0966